Admission or refusal of admission to the exam
Applications for participation in exams are accepted up to 3 days of the exam date. Documents of candidates are considered within 2 working days from the date of their registration in the organization. As a result of consideration of the application, it is decided to include the candidate in the list of persons admitted to the exam (hereinafter-the list) or motivated refusal.
The list is formed by the Department of the examination system (hereinafter — the Department) and approved by the order of the head of the organization.
The Department shall make a reasoned refusal of admission to the examinations if the candidate:
ü does not meet the qualification requirements for professional accountants approved by the authorized body regulating activities in the field of accounting and financial reporting (hereinafter — the authorized body);
ü did not provide a complete list of relevant documents provided for in paragraph 6 of this regulation;
ü unreliability of the submitted documents has been established.
In case of elimination of violations by the candidate established by the Department, within the established period, the application for participation in examinations is considered again in accordance with this regulation.
The candidate admitted to the examination shall be notified of the date, time and place of the examination not later than 3 working days prior to the examination.
Cost of certification
The cost of each certification exam is determined in accordance with the tariff policy of the organization.
The cost of the subsequent retake of the certification exam (for each discipline) is 50 percent of the established cost of the exam.
The candidate who is not admitted to the exams will be refunded the payment made by him for the exam on his application within 5 working days.
Organization and conduct of examinations
Please note that since November 20, 2014 the order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan №291 from «25» June 2014 «Rules of Certification of candidates for professional accountants is put into effect»
According to the new Rules, the following changes have been made to the «Procedure For organizing and conducting examinations for certification of a professional accountant» of the Training center «Zerde»:
1) To register for certification, a candidate for professional accountants shall submit the following documents:
1) application with the name of the discipline (disciplines);
2) a copy of the identity document;
3) notarized copy of the document confirming higher education;
4) notarized or certified by the personnel service, or by the employer and the seal of the organization at the place of work (service) copy of the employment record and (or) the employment contract, confirming the length of service not less than the last five years in accounting and analytical, in the field of Economics and Finance, accounting, economic, financial, audit, control and auditing areas or in the field of scientific and teaching activities in accounting and audit in higher and secondary special educational institutions;
5) a notarized copy of the Diploma the Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR ACCA) (if it exists);
6) written notice or other document of individual examinations (if any).
All documents are fastened in a folder, on the front side of which is indicated: Personal file № ____, surname, name and patronymic of the candidate for professional accountants, date of registration.
2) The exam fees for the disciplines of certification consists of one mandatory task for 25 points, out of 30 questions for 30 points and several additional tasks. Additional tasks of the examination ticket contain tasks of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 points difficulty (the total score, which in each ticket contains 45 points, selected by different standards). The structure of examination tickets for disciplines are formed from the base of the examination module.
3) The absence of a solution to the mandatory problem is an unsatisfactory result of the exam, regardless of the results of other tasks.
4) The total total score for the exam («passing» score) is fifty-five out of a hundred possible points.
5) The candidate personally filled in the examination card, and this assign yourself IN. The card contains the following data: surname, name and patronymic of the examinee, the name of the discipline, the date of completion of the card and the exam, as well as a personal e-mail address where the results of the exams and the signature of the examinee will be sent.
When coding examination papers, the certification organization provides an independent examination system and coding so that the candidate for professional accountants when filling in the name, surname, patronymic in the coding sheet could not remember the identification number specified in it.
The validity of the certificate is not limited.